Sociotechnologist, professional engineer, researcher and consultant dedicated to the ethical, equitable and open application of dweb technologies in complex systems.
Engaged in the design and development of the decentralized web since 2014, underpinned by experience in digital innovation, process engineering, systems thinking and organizational design.
Expertise in the digitalization of identity, privacy by design, and the design and governance of decentralized social networking (dsocial).
Interested in systems that attract the attention of communities such as Ethereum, the Web3 Foundation, Holochain, DWeb Camp, Mozilla, the Bateson Institute, The Stockholm Resilience Centre, Kernel, RadicalxChange, Next Nature Network, and the Liminal Web.
Long-standing collaborator and participant in all things internet and web: chair of events featuring Vint Cerf and Sir Tim Berners-Lee; co-founder of a decentralized cooperative; convener of the UK’s first IoT conference; co-founder of one of the first open data projects in the UK; official UK champion of IPv6 back in the day; advisor to Mozilla on the European launch of Firefox; CEO of pioneering P2P payments service in the UK; author of ‘The Business of Influence’ published by Wiley.